I was born to a mentally challenged mother whom physically abused me and allowed different men to physically and sexually abuse me as well. I won't go into details on this blog as this reaches different age levels of readers. Lets just say that back in 1984 it was one of the worst cases the Fort Worth Police Department had ever seen... As the CPS Investigator told my current mom... It was the worst in Tarrant County at the time. It was so bad it made the news..
I remember a lady named Sheryl "befriended" my biological mother and her husband (my "step dad"). She became my friend and I felt very comfortable talking to her about things that were happening to me. One day she came to our house and my mom told Sheryl that she needed to take me because she was fixing to kill me. Sheryl didn't know what to do but she knew she had to get me out of that house one way or another, so she "kidnapped" me and took me to her house. I don't remember how long I was at her house but I remember being woke up one night by screams and banging on all the doors and windows. Everyone was frantic and scared.. Next thing I knew the house was surronded by cops, TV news crews and helicopters.. I was rushed out wrapped in a blanket handed to a woman who got in the back of a police car with me.
I awoke the next morning in a strange place, scared and alone... I was in a Foster home... My old life left behind... Mommy and all...
Strange as it may sound, considering all that I had endured... I loved my "Mommy" and I didn't want to leave her.. She was all I knew..
I was adopted at the age of 5 by my birth mothers cousin and her husband and they loved me as their own..
I lived with them until the age of 17 when I decided I knew it all.. I knew EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING and could not be told different..
I met a guy and fell madly "in love" and since I knew everything I decided to run away and go live with him. We moved into a drug infested neighborhood which in turn led me to become addicted to drugs... Methamphetimines to be exact..
The beatings started the second night of us living together..
He would beat me so bad I thought he would kill me. He would punch, slap, kick, bite me etc etc... All because he loved me... I thought this was what love really was... I mean after all... My biological mom and dad loved me and they did all those things.. This is what love is so I might as well get used to it..
I was knocked out, hung off a bridge, beat with anything he could find, drug by my hair down a flight of stairs and accross a gravel parking lot.... All because he "loved" me...
He would drive me out to the country... Beat me until I was almost unconscious then rape me repeatedly.. On the way back into town he would tell me how much he loved me and that he only did these things because he was so scared of loosing me.
Why did I stay you ask... "Your stupid for putting up with it" you might say "You deserved what you got for not leaving" you might think.... But you see leaving takes careful planning.. Or you might just get killed.. It takes so much strength and courage to leave and I didn't have either of those.. He had sucked all my strength, courage, self esteem and self worth right out of me... He LOVED me... I mean he told me so, He told me each time how sorry he was... I thought I could change him... I could make him love me... I was dead wrong and almost died trying...
I did finally get the courage to leave... after 7 long years... I am remarried now to an amazing man and have 2 amazing daughters of my own and amazing "kids" by marriage..
Why did I just spill my guts on a public site for the world to see... Because someone, somewhere needs to see this and know that there is hope.. If I found a way to survive all that I've endured and make an amazing life for myself... You can too.. Don't use your past as a stumbling block and a crutch.. Use it as a stepping stone, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving...
If you are in an abusive situation right now... get help... get out if you can... talk to someone you trust.. I offer a support group for victims and survivors of domestic violence.. contact me if you want to.. Just please do not become a statistic.. change your destiny...
If you know someone in an abusive situation... DO NOT judge them, talk down to them or threaten to distance yourself from them... This will only push them further away from the help they need. Be there for them, listen to them... JUST LISTEN... You have NO idea what they are going through so don't pretend you do unless you have been there yourself.. Dont play God... Don't get mad when they repeatedly run back and forth to the abuser... Just give them the support they need.
It is only by the grace of God that I am here today... nothing more and nothing less... The night I was able to break free, things happened that could only have been because of God. It was almost supernatural..
If there is someone reading this that needs courage.. I pray you find it before its too late...
God bless... Laura glchomeinventory@gmail.com